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Terms & Conditions

By using this support portal, or any of the tools and/or services provided by it, you and your company agree to the following terms and conditions:

General Considerations

Service Orders will be generated for a minimum of four (04) hours. Only the hours executed will be billed, with the remaining hours available to be used in the diagnosis and resolution of other tickets.

Every ticket generates a Service Order automatically; support or consulting staff cannot generate tickets on behalf of users.

All our prices are in USD.

Service Levels (SLA)

In all service levels, your ticket will be served in the order of arrival. You can define the service level for each ticket. Each service level defines its maximum waiting time, service hours, and cost, as described below:

Standard Support: Average response time of 24 business hours, business hours during business hours. Subject to delays for more urgent tickets. Standard rate.

Soporte Estándar Plus: Tiempo promedio de respuesta de 16 ​horas laborables, horario de atención en dias laborables en horario laborable. Sujeto a retrasos por tickets con mayor urgencia. 25% de incremento sobre la tarifa estándar.

Premium Support: Maximum response time of 8 business hours, business hours during business hours. Subject to delays for more urgent tickets. 50% increase over the standard rate.

Soporte Premium Plus: Tiempo máximo de respuesta de 4 ​horas laborables, horario de atención incluye horarios y días no laborables. 100% de incremento sobre la tarifa estándar. Sujeto a disponibilidad de recursos. Si no existiren recursos disponibles, el ticket será degradado al nivel de Soorte Premium.

Communication Channels

This portal and the tools provided by it are the only valid communication channels for discussion and comments about open tickets. If meetings are required, they will be called by the support team via Microsoft Teams, and the calls will be recorded and attached to the ticket.

Service Charges

  • Creation of Support Tickets

    When creating a support ticket, a minimum charge of 25% of the standard rate will be applied for management fees, even if the ticket is immediately cancelled. This minimum charge will be deducted from the amount applicable for diagnosis and/or solution.
  • Diagnostic Charges 
    You as a customer understand and accept that the solution to a ticket requires a diagnosis stage prior to the solution stage. To generate a Service Order estimating the time required for the solution, a diagnosis stage must first be executed, of a variable duration, which the customer agrees to pay even if they do not approve the Service Order associated with the solution.
  • Solution Charges
    You as a customer understand and accept that the time and cost indicated in the Service Order is our best estimate to solve the problem reported in the ticket, but that this estimate may vary. In the event that the effort exceeds the time and cost indicated in the Service Order, the client will be informed and an additional Service Order will be issued that must be approved to complete the service.
  • In the event of late payment for services rendered, your account may be blocked, and tickets will not be serviced until the account is up to date with payments.

Warranty on Services

  1. Warranty over applied solutions 

    The applied solutions have a 30 das warranty, only for the problem indicated in the affected Service Order, because if the problem occurs again under different circumstances, it may be due to an underlying cause not addressed in the original Service Order. The warranty must be claimed within 30 calendar days following the delivery of the solutions and will not be applicable if there are any outstanding payments. In no case may the guarantee be claimed if the malfunctions are the result of an error in the EPICOR, MICROSOFT or any other applications as per SCS BMS diagnosis.
  2. Warranty over Reports and Customizations
    Reports and customizations have a 3-month guarantee against malfunctions caused exclusively by programming errors, provided that the customer´s account has no outstanding balances. Warranty must be claimed within 30 calendar days following delivery of the report or customization. In no case may the warranty be claimed if the malfunctions are the result of an error in the EPICOR, MICROSOFT or any other supplier applications, as per SCS BMS diagnosis.
  3. Warranty over Implementations.
    In the case of Implementations that include the preparation of test protocols, and the execution of validations based on those protocols, the warranty will be applicable if and only if the problems were detected during the validation phase and prior to the go-live of the affected feature.